Package: pinta
Version: 1.6-2.1

In Debian it is Pinta 1.6 that is 7 years old.

It would be great to upgrade Pinta to 2.0 version, but like I see this was 
already suggested in bug report:
and the trouble is Pinta 1.x versions were Gtk2+Mono and Pinta 2.x versions are 
Gtk3+.NET. It looks like many other problems must be fixed before Pinta can be 
upgraded to 2.x versions.

But in my humble opinion, can Pinta at least be upgraded to 1.7.1 which is the 
last 1.x version and it was taken special care to backport important bugs.
Pinta 1.7.1 is way more stable and a lot of bugs fixed comparing to 1.6 version.

See release links:

Importance of this upgrade is not just for Debian, but for all of the 
downstream Linux distributions that require that packages must be upgraded in 
Debian first.

Thanks a lot

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