And... Still a bug.  Since at least 2010...

As of December 2022 this is still an issue in

ii at 3.1.23-1.1 arm64 Delayed job execution and batch processing

ls -l /usr/sbin/atd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 26568 Sep 25  2020 /usr/sbin/atd

/var/log/syslog (and/or /var/log/cron) filled with:
Dec 5 21:11:36 mysys atd[17889]: File a006e001a8bf99 is in wrong format - aborting Dec 5 21:11:36 mysys atd[17890]: File a006e001a8bf99 is in wrong format - aborting Dec 5 21:11:36 mysys atd[17891]: File a006e001a8bf99 is in wrong format - aborting Dec 5 21:11:36 mysys atd[17892]: File a006e001a8bf99 is in wrong format - aborting

/var/spool/cron/atjobs contained:
drwxrwx--T 2 daemon daemon 4096 Dec  5 21:11  .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root   root   4096 Dec  4 11:30  ..
-rw------- 1 daemon daemon    6 Dec  4 13:18  .SEQ
-rwx------ 2 dab    daemon    0 Dec  4 13:18 '=006e001a8bf99'
-rwx------ 2 dab    daemon    0 Dec  4 13:18  a006e001a8bf99

Deleting these zero-sized files/jobs and restarting atd resolved the issue.

I'm not a developer, but a possible quick fix would be to add:
  find /var/spool/cron/atjobs/ -type f -empty -print -delete
to the /etc/init.d/atd start stanza

Although this would only cover instances when/where atd is (re)started.

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