Hi Santiago,

Quoting Santiago Vila (2022-11-28 14:41:50)
> During a rebuild of all packages in bookworm I noticed that setting
> SUDO_FORCE_REMOVE=yes in the environment does not seem to have any 
> effect anymore.
> This happens, for example, when building "neutron":
> [...]
> Removing sudo (1.9.11p3-2) ...
> You have asked that the sudo package be removed,
> but no root password has been set.
> Without sudo, you may not be able to gain administrative privileges.
> If you would prefer to access the root account with su(1)
> or by logging in directly,
> you must set a root password with "sudo passwd".
> If you have arranged other means to access the root account,
> and you are sure this is what you want,
> you may bypass this check by setting an environment variable
> (export SUDO_FORCE_REMOVE=yes).
> I have this in my .sbuildrc:
> $ENV{'SUDO_FORCE_REMOVE'} = 'yes';
> If I remember well, this used to work in the past.
> Is this a regression?
> Is there a way to fix this without using sbuild from bookworm? (not 
> tested yet)

I'm not able to reproduce your problem when building src:neutron. At which
point is the build attempting to remove the sudo package?

The issue sounds like an environment variable you set is not passed on to one
of the processes started by sbuild. Did you make sure to have SUDO_FORCE_REMOVE
added to your environment filter so that it gets passed on like so:

use Dpkg::Build::Info;
$environment_filter = [Dpkg::Build::Info::get_build_env_allowed(), 


cheers, josch

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