On 17/01/2023 18.27, Diederik de Haas wrote:
It seems fine to print (in all caps afaic) that there is an issue.

That tends to get overlooked ... in the middle of a thousand packages being upgraded ...

A possible noticeable notification scheme could be a debconf error being presented (with the option to inspect the make.log) and these options:
* ignore the failure for this module once
* ignore failures for this module always
* fail (in order to fix it up manually and manually resume configuration afterwards)

There could be an additional preseedable debconf template (defaulting to false) to ignore *any* dkms build failures. (For those knowing what they are doing.)

But it should not cause the kernel package install/upgrade to fail.
And that does seem in dkms' control afaict.

We must not silently create an unbootable system.

module-assistant shows an error and halts the upgrade process by reading a line from stdin ... that behavior possibly even predates debconf.
(policy now mandates any prompting to be done via debconf).


PS: I'm not going to implement the debconf bits due to -ENOTIME.

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