Google no longer allows gcalcli to authenticate. Upstream recommends manually creating a developer account and registering gcalcli as your own app. This is a *much* more cumbersome setup process, and the simple oauth2 workflow that gcalcli uses by default doesn't work with no indication of why.
While it's certainly more complicated than it used to be, I switched auth methods back when gcalcli ran into API quota issues and it's been working fine ever since.
I've seen others have issues where they have to re-authenticate after 7 days, but I haven't personally run into that problem. Then again I also have gcalcli run in conky so it may be run often enough to refresh the key.
At a minimum, this should be documented and the flow for not having authenticated yet should give better guidance to the user and not try an authentication that won't work.
Sure, I can nab the upstream commit[0] that documents the changes. This close to freeze I don't think upstream is going to find an ideal solution to the problem.
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