Hallo Frank! Anbei ein Bugreport gegen das aktuelle devel-Wörterbuch. Ich fürchte, Axel hat recht, dass "none tumor" ein typo ist und es im britischen und amerikanischen Englisch "bone tumor" heißen muss. Auch ich habe "none tumor" nirgends, außer in Deinem Wörterbuch finden können.
Viele Grüße Roland ----- Forwarded message from Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org> ----- From: Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org> Subject: Bug#1029963: trans-de-en: Typo "none tumor" should be "bone tumor" To: Debian Bug Tracking System <sub...@bugs.debian.org> Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2023 17:35:32 +0100 Reply-To: Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org>, 1029...@bugs.debian.org Package: trans-de-en Version: 1.9-5 Severity: normal Tags: upstream Hi, $ translate -i "bone tumour" Geschwulst {f}; Gewächs {n}; Wucherung {f}; Tumor {m}; Neoplasma {n} [med.] | Geschwülste {pl}; Gewächse {pl}; Wucherungen {pl}; Tumoren {pl}; Neoplasmen {pl} | Blasentumor {m} | Gefäßtumor {m} | gutartiger Tumor; benigner Tumor | Knochentumor {m} | Knochentumoren {pl} | (nur) langsam wachsender Tumor | schnell wachsender Tumor | einen Tumor freilegen | durch einen Tumor verschlossen :: growth; tumour [Br.]; tumor [Am.]; neoplasm; emphyma | growths; tumours; tumors; neoplasms; emphymas | bladder tumour [Br.]; bladder tumor [Am.]; vesical tumour [Br.]; vesical tumor [Am.] | vascular tumor | benign tumor | bone tumour [Br.]; none tumor [Am.] | bone tumours; none tumors | slow-growing tumour; low-grade tumour | fast-growing tumour; high-grade tumour | to expose a tumour | obstructed by a tumour Please note especially these items: bone tumour [Br.]; none tumor [Am.] | bone tumours; none tumors ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ So twice the American English translation says "none" instead of "bone". Given that "b" and "n" are directly beside each other on any standard keyboard and that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_tumor does not contain the word "none", I assume that's a typo (and the plural then a copy & paste error). Seems to be an upstream issues, since the two real hits on https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22none+tumor%22&atb=v11&ia=web point to https://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/english-german/none%20tumor.html and https://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/english-german/none%20tumors.html and all others point to something containing "bone tumor" (and probably the word "none" somewhere close or similar words like "nono" or "neo"). [...] ----- End forwarded message -----