On Sun, Feb 05, 2023 at 02:41:08PM +0000, Stefano Rivera wrote:
> Hi Julian (2023.02.05_10:38:23_+0000)
> > Why is the current intention not to ship the python3.10 package in
> > bookworm?
> Because we aim to have a single Python release supported in every stable
> release.

I am not suggesting that we revert to having Python 3.10 as a
"supported version" (that would be a whole separate discussion); I am
suggesting that we keep just the Python 3.10 interpreter and
python3.10-venv in bookworm, so that users can use it to run a virtual
environment if they need to do so.

> > I was trying to run some experiments in a virtual environment a few
> > days ago, and it turns out that several of the Python packages I
> > needed do not yet run on Python 3.11.  I was saved by being able to
> > run in a Python 3.10 venv and download all the required packages from
> > PyPI.  If bookworm shipped without python3.10, I would not have been
> > able to do my work.  Removing python3.10 from bookworm will seriously
> > affect many of our users in a similar situation to me.
> By the time bookworm releases, that probably won't be the case any more.

I honestly don't know if that will be the case or not; some packages
will be much slower to adapt than others.  That's why I'm suggesting
we leave the python3.10 and python3.10-venv packages in bookworm.

> But anything that gets removed from Debian, because it isn't ready yet
> obviously gets hurt in the process...

I'm not sure what you mean here?

Best wishes,


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