Source: gnustep-base
Version: 1.28.1+really1.28.0-5
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS
Tags: bookworm sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20230216 ftbfs-bookworm


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[3]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/Tests'
> (\
> -I/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/Source/.";\
> ADDITIONAL_LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/Source/./obj";\
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/Source/./obj:";\
> PATH="/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/Tools/./obj:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games";\
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH;\
> export PATH;\
> if [ "no" = "yes" ]; then \
>   gnustep-tests --debug 'base/';\
>         else \
>   gnustep-tests 'base/';\
>         fi; \
> )
> --- Running tests in base/Functions ---
> --- Running tests in base/GSMime ---
> --- Running tests in base/GSTLS ---
> --- Running tests in base/GSXML ---
> --- Running tests in base/GarbageCollection ---
> --- Running tests in base/KVC ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSAffineTransform ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSArchiver ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSArray ---
> base/NSArray/basic.m:
> Skipped set:       basic.m 46 ... No collection subscripting support in the 
> compiler.
> base/NSArray/blocks.m:
> Skipped set:       blocks.m 76 ... No Blocks support in the compiler.
> --- Running tests in base/NSAttributedString ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSAutoreleasePool ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSBundle ---
> base/NSBundle/general.m:
> Skipped set:         general.m 25 ... it looks like GNUstep-base is not yet 
> installed
> base/NSBundle/resources.m:
> Skipped set:       resources.m 48 ... it looks like GNUstep-base is not yet 
> installed
> --- Running tests in base/NSCache ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSCalendar ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSCalendarDate ---
> base/NSCalendarDate/test00.m:
> Failed file:     test00.m aborted without running all tests!
> --- Running tests in base/NSCharacterSet ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSConnection ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSCountedSet ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSData ---
> base/NSData/general.m:
> Skipped set:       general.m 128 ... No Blocks support in the compiler.
> --- Running tests in base/NSDate ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSDateFormatter ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSDictionary ---
> base/NSDictionary/basic.m:
> Skipped set:       basic.m 41 ... No dictionary subscripting support in the 
> compiler.
> base/NSDictionary/blocks.m:
> Skipped set:       blocks.m 49 ... No Blocks support in the compiler.
> base/NSDictionary/sort.m:
> Skipped set:       sort.m 54 ... No Blocks support in the compiler.
> --- Running tests in base/NSDistributedLock ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSException ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSFileHandle ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSFileManager ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSHTTPCookie ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSHashTable ---
> base/NSHashTable/weakObjects.m:
> Skipped set:       weakObjects.m 15 ... ARC support unavailable
> --- Running tests in base/NSHost ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSIndexPath ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSInvocation ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSInvocationOperation ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSJSONSerialization ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSKeyedArchiver ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSLocale ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSLock ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSMapTable ---
> base/NSMapTable/weakObjects.m:
> Skipped set:       weakObjects.m 15 ... ARC support unavailable
> --- Running tests in base/NSMethodSignature ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSMutableArray ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSMutableAttributedString ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSMutableCharacterSet ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSMutableData ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSMutableDictionary ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSMutableIndexSet ---
> base/NSMutableIndexSet/blocks.m:
> Skipped set:       blocks.m 83 ... No Blocks support in the compiler.
> --- Running tests in base/NSMutableSet ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSMutableString ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSNotification ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSNumber ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSNumberFormatter ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSObject ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSOperation ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSOrderedSet ---
> base/NSOrderedSet/blocks.m:
> Skipped set:       blocks.m 80 ... No Blocks support in the compiler.
> --- Running tests in base/NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSPointerArray ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSPredicate ---
> base/NSPredicate/basic.m:
> Skipped set:         basic.m 143 ... No blocks support in the compiler.
> --- Running tests in base/NSProcessInfo ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSProgress ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSProxy ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSRegularExpression ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSRunLoop ---
> base/NSRunLoop/dispatch.m:
> Skipped set:       dispatch.m 116 ... No libdispatch, no blocks support or no 
> runloop integration hooks in libdispatch
> --- Running tests in base/NSScanner ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSSet ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSSortDescriptor ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSStream ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSString ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSTask ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSThread ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSTimeZone ---
> base/NSTimeZone/create.m:
> Failed file:     create.m aborted without running all tests!
> base/NSTimeZone/use.m:
> Failed test:     (2023-02-17 01:25:15.327 +0000)   use.m:60 ... can calculate 
> next DST transition
> Failed test:     (2023-02-17 01:25:15.327 +0000)   use.m:91 ... Returns 
> correct Daylight Saving offset.
> Failed test:     (2023-02-17 01:25:15.327 +0000)   use.m:94 ... Returns 
> correct Daylight Saving offset.
> --- Running tests in base/NSURL ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSURLConnection ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSURLHandle ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSURLProtocol ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSURLRequest ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSURLSession ---
> base/NSURLSession/test01.m:
> Skipped set:       test01.m 82 ... library built without NSURLSession support
> base/NSURLSession/test02.m:
> Skipped set:       test02.m 15 ... library built without NSURLSession support
> --- Running tests in base/NSUUID ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSUndoManager ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSUserDefaults ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSValueTransformer ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSXMLDocument ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSXMLElement ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSXMLNode ---
> --- Running tests in base/NSXMLParser ---
> --- Running tests in base/PropertyLists ---
> --- Running tests in base/Unicode ---
> --- Running tests in base/coding ---
> --- Running tests in base/headers ---
>    9372 Passed tests
>      53 Dashed hopes
>      16 Skipped sets
>       3 Failed tests
>       2 Failed files
> Some testing was abandoned when a test program aborted.  This is
> generally a severe problem and may mean that the package is
> completely unusable.  You need to try to fix this and, if it is
> not due to some problem on your system, please help by submitting
> a patch (or at least a bug report) to the package maintainer.
> One or more tests failed.  None of them should have.
> Please submit a patch to fix the problem or send a bug report to
> the package maintainer.
> Please see /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/Tests/tests.log for more detail.
> make[3]: *** [GNUmakefile:64: check] Error 1
> make[3]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/Tests'
> make[2]: *** 
> [/usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/Master/serial-subdirectories.make:53: 
> internal-check] Error 2
> make[2]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
> dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 check "TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose" VERBOSE=1 
> messages=yes returned exit code 2

The full build log is available from:

All bugs filed during this archive rebuild are listed at:;

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

If you reassign this bug to another package, please mark it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with mine
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

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