See inline below ...

On Fri, 2023-02-24 at 16:26 +0100, Jürgen Altfeld wrote:
> I now realize (thanks to your persistence & asking the right
> questions - excellent soft skills BTW :-)

Thanks for the kudos :-)

> 1. Would you agree with my proposal to fix it (just enabling
> ChainerBackend in BiT)?
>    Do you have other ideas/suggestions?

That's an excellent proposal. To me it seems the best solution.

> 2. Are you able (= still allowed) to apply a patch to the upcoming
> BiT package ("unstable" AFAIR) using my fix?

Bookworm is currently in Soft Freeze, so targeted fixes are still
possible. As I am only the reporter of the bug the maintainer, Jonathan
Wiltshire, needs to make sure the patch goes into BiT in time.
According to
2023-03-12 is the deadline.

> THX a lot for your support!

My pleasure!

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