Hi. Thanks for all the explanations. I just re-read this whole sequence
of emails, and I'm mostly clear on this now.

First off, I think the last email confused things a little bit. I run
sbuild on modified source, as you expect. The sequence in the previous
email was just a simple example of something that surprisingly to me
doesn't work in sbuild.

All packages I ever work on live in git. So the "clean" state is defined
as the result of "git clean -fdx && git reset --hard". I know that
sbuild can't assume git

So my workflow is usually something like

- git clean -fdx && git reset --hard
- sbuild

If I forgot the clean step above, dpkg usually yells at me. That feels
like enough, without needing a "dh clean" also.

If there's no way to make this always work in all cases, can we make the
error message better somehow? How about

  "dh clean" failed. Note: this runs outside the chroot, so the required
  Build-Depends may not be installed

Or something like that. This bit of info would have saved me some time:
I spent time looking around before filing this report. Is that
reasonable? Can we do even better?

Thanks much

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