On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 8:12 PM Paul Gevers <elb...@debian.org> wrote:
> === RUN   TestLogReqRespNoBody
>      logger_test.go:90: request header doesn't match:
> (2023-04-12T19:18:59.1355402+08:00) INFO: REQUEST: GET
> https://fakething/dot/com
> --- FAIL: TestLogReqRespNoBody (0.01s)
> === RUN   TestLogReqRespWithBody
>      logger_test.go:155: request header doesn't match:
> (2023-04-12T19:18:59.1420497+08:00) INFO: REQUEST: GET
> https://fakething/dot/com
> --- FAIL: TestLogReqRespWithBody (0.01s)
> FAIL    github.com/Azure/go-autorest/logger     0.017s

Looks like it was caused by the UTC+8 timezone in the testbed.

I agree it's nice to have the tests not depending on the system
timezone. But do we really want to bother with that? Could you just
ensure all testbeds have the same timezone?

Shengjing Zhu

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