On Sun, 14 May 2023 15:21:24 -0400, Ted wrote:
> On Sun, May 14, 2023 at 06:03:59PM +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
> > > Please reassign it there together with instructions how to fix it, i.e.
> > > what should be done in the maintainer scripts.
> Can someone send the instructions on how to fix this?

I think we want to remove the old default.target.wants directory link
and replace it with a multi-user.target.wants link at some point
during the upgrade process.

Would calling the 'reenable' action implemented by
deb-systemd-helper[1] (an equivalent to the corresponding action in
systemctl[2]) during the e2fsprogs postinst script solve the problem?

(the contents of the deb-systemd-helper service state file seem very
relevant here.  for this to work correctly, I think it needs to
contain the old link during the 'disable' step, and then should use
the new link during 'enable'.  I could be mistaken, however.  I have
read #717603 while trying to figure out a solution here)

[1] - 

[2] - https://manpages.debian.org/bullseye/systemd/systemctl.1.en.html

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