Hi Mako,

On Fri 09 Jun 2023 12:01:52 GMT, Benj. Mako Hill wrote:
> Greetings!
> This is just a followup to say that I've been using the patch for
> about two years now and have not noticed any trouble. I use the
> copying files functionality in vidir nearly every day!

thanks for your patch and bringing the missing feature back to my mind.  
I _will_ give you feedback on it within the next two weeks.

> If someone wants to take a more active role in maintaince and needs a
> hand, let me know.

I am quite irresolutely how to go on with moreutils in Debian:  
upstream is responsive but it usually takes months until Joey finds 
time to handle moreutils patches (and that reduces the fun to try 
uptreaming patches on my side), and Joey is waiting for someone to 
adopt the upstream maintainence.

In general, I'd like to have Debian's moreutils package strongly 
aligned to the upstream version, but my doubts raise whether this is 
really a sensible policy.  Do you have some thoughts about that?

Kind regards,

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