
This is just a followup to say that I've been using the patch for
about two years now and have not noticed any trouble. I use the
copying files functionality in vidir nearly every day!

If someone wants to take a more active role in maintaince and needs a
hand, let me know.


<quote who="Benj. Mako Hill" date="Fri, Apr 02, 2021 at 04:58:28PM -0700">
> tags 882872 patch
> thanks
> Greetings!
> Thanks for maintaining moreutils! It's one of the packages I love most
> in Debian!
> I'm attaching a first stab a patch to add copying file support to
> vidir (i.e., #882872) which is something I've wanted for a very long
> time and just broke down and did today.
> It's been quite a while since I've written Perl and I'm not 100% sure
> that I've thought the logic through completely so as to avoid all
> possible corner cases (e.g., related to every way one would swap
> filenames and/or copy things repeatedly).
> The way it works is much simpler than the model suggested in #568834,
> (which, BTW, sounds very nice): If a line number shows up twice in the
> vidir output—and if the two filenames associated with the lines
> numbers—are different, the file gets copied. That's it. :)
> Regards,
> Mako

Benjamin Mako Hill

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