severity 1039721 normal

Hi Jeremy,

That is a false positive (more below) and a duplicate of #1039510; the
discussion of the latter now continues on the debian-r list.

On 28 June 2023 at 12:31, Jeremy Bícha wrote:
| Source: r-base
| Version: 4.3.1-1
| Severity: serious
| I'm copying this from
| ==========
| A bunch of R packages fail autopkgtests with 4.3.0-1, with errors
| looking like this:
| Error in `vectbl_assign(x[[j]], i, recycled_value[[j]])`: DLL requires
| the use of native symbols
| Looking into the upstream code and changelog, this appears to be
| related to this change:
| Attempting to use a character string naming a foreign function entry
| point in a foreign function call in a package will now signal an error
| if the packages has called R_forceSymbols to specify that symbols must
| be used.
| ==========

This shoots the messenger. That is a bug in the vectors package, not in R
4.3.0 (or now R 4.3.1).

I would be happy to schedule a quick chat (I am on Central time) but I
already wrote a number of email messages on this, now mostly under the above
bug number or on the debian-r list (off the usual Debian mailing list server).

FWIW I also look after which *all* of
CRAN (and a few hundred BioConductor packages) as complete .deb binaries with
full dependencies for Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) and 22.04 (jammy). There are no
bugs, and there is no API issue.  r2u is mesmerizing; just play with the
rocker/r2u:22.04 container.

The combination of a number of maintainer a) adding autopkgtest and at the
same time b) letting some packages go stale creates this.  It happens at each
release, and it manifestly unfair to package r-base which I have been
maintaining for 20+ years.

Cheers, Dirk
(Debian dev since 1995 or so
 R maintainer since 1998-2002 dependeing on how you count
 R Foundation Board member for a decade+
 Author of 60+ CRAN packages)

| Thank you,
| Jeremy Bícha

-- | @eddelbuettel |

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