Feel free to change the severity back if you truly think it is that serious.

Some of the autopkgtests may be stumbling about the graphics API change and
may need a rebuild of packages interfacing it:  svglite, ggplot2, ragg,
tikzdevice.  As some of these are widely used the rest may be repercussions.
There is also the usual mess with the (bulk ?) update of BioConductor which
generally releases a few weeks after R and did so again.

I maintain that r-base is fine.  I have no control over how other people use
my package, and if all other maintainers put breaking autopkgtests in well
yes then they do hold r-base hostage and it will take "forever" to migrate to
testing.  We have been there before.


dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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