Hi Bastien,

Reply follows inline.

Bastien <b...@bzg.fr> writes:

> Hi all,
> I'm not sure if this is the right place to announce this, but here it
> goes: Org 9.4 is out.

That's a good question!  Yes, I believe that filing a "new upstream
version" bug is likely to reduce the latency between when you release,
and when this release is imported into Debian.  With a Debian system,
this is achieved with the following command:

  reportbug org-mode

> We plan to remove the contrib/ directory from org-mode.git for either
> Org 9.5 or Org 9.6.
> We will provide another way to install contribs, surely as a Org ELPA
> package.  I will let you know the details.

Thank you for the notification, and sorry for the unfortunate state of
Org mode in Debian 12 (bookworm).  A variety of factors intersected to
generate this outcome, and I wish we, as a team, had been able to do

As for dependency packages that ensure a smooth transition: For Debian
12 (bookworm), unfortunately neither org-drill nor org-contrib are
installed by default when org-mode is installed.  I believe org-drill
should have been, but I'm not sure sure about org-contrib, given its
status as a kind of unmaintained orphanage area.  Do you think that
org-contrib should be installed alongside Org by default?  I believe in
"better late than never", so would like to fix these issues for Debian
13 (trixie), as well as for users who will manually install the latest
available Debian org-mode package onto older releases.

Also, is there something we should consider automatically parsing for
notice of these kinds of changes?


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