Am 13.07.2023 um 19:07 schrieb Noah Meyerhans:
I'm not able to reproduce the behavior you describe.  defer seems to
work as expected.  For example:

admin@ip-10-0-0-87:~$ ec2-metadata --ami-id
ami-id: ami-0544719b13af6edc3
admin@ip-10-0-0-87:~$ sudo cat /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt
- content: |
     testing. this file should be owned by the dynamically created user
   path: /test-file
   owner: admin:admin
   defer: true
admin@ip-10-0-0-87:~$ ls -l /test-file
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 67 Jul 13 16:59 /test-file

That example does not work for me on

I note that your cloud-config attempts to set the locale:

locale: de_DE.UTF-8

I suspect that that's failing (see #955733) and interfering with
subsequent module execution.  If you remove the `locale` setting, does
your userdata work as expected?

Running without locale does not change anything.

"grep write-files-deferred cloud-init.log" returns nothing.


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