On 2 August 2023 at 14:41, Ian Jackson wrote:
| Dirk Eddelbuettel writes ("Re: vm breakage with Emacs 29"):
| > On 2 August 2023 at 13:17, Ian Jackson wrote:
| > | Hi.  Since you were helpful with #1039105 "Fails to start with Emacs
| > | 28" I thought I would draw your attention to #1042889
| > | "vm: autopkgtest fails against Emacs 29.1" [0]
| > | 
| > | I won't have time to look at this until next week, probably.  Any help
| > | or background research would be greatly appreciated.  We need to fix
| > | this to avoid vm getting autoremoved.
| > | 
| > | I did have a quick look at the test log [1] and the failure looks
| > | genuine.  I suggest we do any further diagnosis in the bug.
| > 
| > The band-aid I found and submitted for #1039105 (ie per Fedora's tracker,
| > "just do not byte compile") seems apt here, no?  I still do not really read
| > (or, for that matter, write) elisp but it seems to complain about byte code.
| > 
| > So I would try two things:
| >  - turn off elisp byte compilation as in #1039105
| The patch from #1039105 is still in the package.


| Do we need to add to a list of files in it, or something, do you

That was my hunch.

| think ?  Maybe it would be best to disable byte compilation
| completely.

Yes given the previous bug report and fix ensuring no byte-compilation takes
place for vm may be best. At least until someone (upstream? another dev?)
understand why it breaks vm.


| One thing that would be useful would be for someone to try out emacs
| and vm in a sid chroot; that would confirm that this isn't a spurious
| test failure (or confirm that it is).
| Thanks,
| Ian.
| -- 
| Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk>   These opinions are my own.  
| Pronouns: they/he.  If I emailed you from @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk,
| that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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