Control: severity -1 important


I'm marking this important, and am tempted to raise it to serious...

The problem at stake is that we have already a hard time making
newcomers read manpages. If they can't even trust copying/pasting lines
from them, they will just definitely turn away, and we'll aggravate the
schism between us olders and newcomers. Trust me from 20-year teaching

Yes, we'd ideally want to fix all manpages to have everything set
alright. But we have to do that before the release. And if that's not
complete, release with the

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As in: maybe we can leave the symptom open until the freeze period, so
that developers notice the issue and fix their bugs, and on the freeze
period, introduce the workaround so that end users of the eventual
released distribution don't get affected while we are still fixing the


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