Hello Bastian,

Thank you for the contribution and your work to improve Debian.  I
appreciate NMUs!

However, I would prefer not to do this to Netmaze.  I have people that
send me patches on Github from time to time, and this makes it
significantly more difficult for non-Debian contributors to participate.

Personal opinion: Source format is duplicitive of features already in
git for packages that are maintained in git, and makes collaboration
with others more challenging, especially in a case like this.

Is there a way to remove from delayed?

- John

On Thu, Aug 17 2023, Bastian Germann wrote:

> I am uploading a NMU to DELAYED/10 to fix this. The debdiff is attached.
> [2. text/plain; netmaze_0.81+jpg0.82-16.2.debdiff]...

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