Package: gnome-shell-extension-shortcuts Version: 1.3.7-1 Severity: important Tags: trixie sid upstream User: Usertags: gnome-shell-45
As with every 6-month GNOME Shell release cycle, extensions will need to be updated for GNOME Shell 45, which is currently being prepared in experimental. A porting guide is available here: For the 44 -> 45 transition, most or all extensions will need incompatible code changes, because GNOME Shell has switched from non-standard gjs modules ("const Foo =") to ECMAScript modules ("import Foo from 'gi://Foo'") and all extensions need to do the same. This means most or all extensions will split into a branch for Shell <= 44 (which might not be maintained upstream any more) and a branch for Shell >= 45. If not updated, this extension will have to be removed from testing for the GNOME Shell 45 transition (I don't know when that will be). This bug will be raised to serious severity when the transition is ready to go ahead. The upstream developer might already have made this change (I haven't checked). If a new upstream version is compatible with Shell 45 but not 44, please upload to experimental for now. Thanks, smcv