Hey there!

Just a couple of updates below.

Free Ekanayaka <fr...@debian.org> writes:

>>   Of course! The more the merrier! LXD is currently team-maintained
>> under the Go Team, although in practice I'm the only one performing
>> uploads. I would envision a similar setup for the packaging of Incus,
>> and would welcome your help with it.
> I'm already part of the Go packaging team, I'll start giving a look at
> the repositories then, and perhaps start creating the Incus one.

I've created the Salsa repository for the incus Debian source package:


It's still very early on and it's not working yet (I've mostly rebranded
the debian/ directory of the lxd Debian source package), but it's a
start, so perhaps we might already have something kind of working by the
time the first Incus release is out.

Please feel free to mess around :)

>>   I haven't seen any RFP/ITPs for cowsql, go-cowsql, or the fork of
>> raft; are you planning to work on getting those packaged for Debian?
> Yes, I can do that, I was mainly waiting to have this conversation to
> have a plan about how to do it (see below as well).

I've now filed an ITP for cowsql:


I'll need another one for the Go bindings.

Depending on how we decide to ship cowsql/raft in Debian (either by
overriding the existing canonical/raft package or not) I'll figure out
what to do with it.



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