Stefano, Short version: Would you consider modifying this bullseye-pu for distro-info-data/0.51+deb11u5 into a bullseye-pu for a distro-info-data/0.59~deb11u1 instead?
Long version: The resulting distro-info-data_0.51+deb11u5_all.deb binary package resulting from your proposed debdiff is identical within a rounding error[1] to the distro-info-data_0.59_all.deb binary package currently in testing and unstable. The 0.51+deb11u4 and 0.58 binary package versions from oldstable and stable are equally similar. Within each pair the respective source packages have diverged somewhat in spite of producing essentially identical binary packages. In my experimentation the distro-info-data 0.59 source package builds flawlessly in a bullseye chroot. I recently independently discovered Debian bug #711238[2] with devscripts and I would would like to see it fixed in unstable and my desired fix of adding to it a Build-Depends on ``` distro-info-data (>= 0.58~) <!nocheck> ``` would be made possible by this change and would be a much cleaner fix than the alternative fix of adding Build-Depends on ``` distro-info-data (>= 0.51+deb11u4) <!nocheck>, distro-info-data (>= 0.58) | distro-info-data (< 0.51+deb11u+) <!nocheck> ```. [1] The only differences being the changelog, the version number, one date range in the copyright file, and any metadata directly generated from those three things, like checksums and file sizes. [2] Thanks, -- Plasma