Am 06.11.2023 um 21:09 schrieb Michael Biebl <>:

> Not correct. If you have sysvinit-core installed, it will pull in 
> orphan-sysvinit-scripts by default which ships a rsyslog sysv init script.

I have sysvinit-core installed and orphan-sysvinit-scripts was not pulled in 

In fact, I wasn't aware about orphan-sysvinit-scripts until just now. I would 
have expected something that important to be mentioned in the "issues" 

For Debian 11, there was no need for this package and it's also not mentioned 
in the bullseye documentation:

>> Existing SysVinit installations silently fail to write logs after upgrading 
>> which is a serious condition for servers.
> Not true, see above.

Well, true from my experience with thee VMs I've upgraded so far. Two of these 
were templates to be cloned to production machines, so I did't check if syslog 
was running.

Bottom line: Something about dependencies went wrong in an unexpected way. The 
first time that it had such grave impact. I'm using Debian since 3.0 and was 
very happy that system upgrades were rather painless. Until now.

>> Because SysVinit is still supported in Debian in general, please revive 
>> SysVinit support.
> Sorry, this is not going to happen.
> sysvinit is dead. orphan-sysvinit-scripts is a bandaid for stragglers, 
> nothing more, nothing less.

I'm not a straggler, I just don't see Systemd out-benefitting SysVinit in terms 
of debug-ability and clarity how it works. My view is 100% server centric. When 
I'm called out on a Sunday at 3am in hungover state because an important server 
does a hiccup, and the customer tried to "fix" things and broke that even more 
and all the machine shows is a blinking cursor, the least that I want to cope 
with is with Systemd intricacies.

I'm sure the arguments have all been exchanged when people outvoted Debian to 
do like everybody else and switch to Systemd. No more to say from my part.

:wq! PoC

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