Nicholas D Steeves <> writes:

> Xiyue Deng <> writes:
>> Nicholas D Steeves <> writes:
>>> Xiyue Deng <> writes:
>>>> Nicholas D Steeves <> writes:
>> There are about 3 years of newer commits since 1.1.0, and one of the
>> major changes is that it adds support of scala 3 syntax which is not yet
>> in a tagged release and would be good to have.
> Ok, you've convinced me :)  Convey this information in your changelog
> (that's what it's for), because the human maintainer (and any interested
> users) of this package deserves to know why you made this change.

Indeed, updated the changelog with this[2].

>> Also seeing the last commit is from the end of last year, I sense that
>> upstream may becoming a bit dormant for the time being, which is why I
>> prefer to package the latest snapshot instead of waiting for a stable
>> release.
> This can also mean that we run the risk of becoming defacto upstream if
> they quit at this point, but that said, I agree it's a good cut point as
> well as the right thing to do.
>>> Also, do you use this package?
>> Not on a regular basis, but I do use it a bit once in a while as I try
>> to learn a bit of new programming languages every few months.
> Thanks for confirming!
> [snip]
>> And then I just realized: why not just host the scala-mode-pkg.el file
>> and substitute the version so that we don't need to update it manually
>> on each update?  This is now implemented at [1].
> Substvars make sense ;)
> Also, neat use of a makefile target called from within the dh sequence.
> Are you sure dh_auto_clean is the right place for this override?  Skim
> its man page, as well as the one for dh_clean before replying.  Also,
> whenever one overrides something in rules, one needs to document this in
> the changelog.

I think dh_auto_clean is the right place, because the build failure is
because that the clean target requires the existence of
scala-mode-pkg.el, which is generated by Cask.  As we don't have Cask,
we need to provide this before dh_auto_clean runs.

> Please use "cp -a" so timestamps between builds will be reproducible.


> What is the rationale for CURDIR?  From what I can tell it isn't needed
> and should be dropped.

I can't find a packaging suggestion on $(CURDIR), but it looks like it
also works without it, so I dropped it[3].

>>> Do you see what will happen when the package is updated to
>>> 1.1.1 or newer?  Also, why did you choose to set the version to "0.23"
>>> rather than "1.1.0"?
>> Well I didn't choose it (if I did I'd use 1.1.0 :) This is the version
>> specified in scala-mode.el[2].
> I like your choice, and so what if upstream has that!  Is it correct?
>>> Did you verify that elpa package version is consistent with the
>>> upstream version of the Debian package in bin:elpa-scala-mode that is
>>> consumed by users (the binary package)?
>> I tried install it from and yeah it's being
>> installed as scala-mode-0.23 even if it's registered as version 1.1.0
>> there[3].  So it's consistent in a sense :P
> Oh my!  Sorry for the convoluted sentence I wrote, and I'm impressed
> that you were able to make sense of it.  Yes, publishes
> a scala-mode version 1.1.0 elpa package, which contains a scala-mode.el
> file with "Package-Version: 0.23", and it also contains a
> scala-mode-pkg.el file that overrides the Package-Version to `1.1.0`.
> It is because of this pkg.el file that elpa/scala-mode-1.1.0 subdir.
> Meanwhile our elpa-scala-mode 1.1.0-* all declare 0.23, and install to a
> scala-mode-0.23 subdir.  Thank you for your kind optimism, that's very
> gracious.
> Your work reveals that I missed this issue when reviewing 1.1.0-1,
> which I appreciate having pointed out.  Lets fix it in the upload you've
> proposed.

Somehow I didn't include this patch I submitted upstream in my last
changes.  This is done now[1].

>> Anyway, I have just made a pull request to update this upstream[4] so
>> hopefully the versioning will be sane.
> Thank you, and hopefully they'll agree.
>>>>>>    * Modernize d/watch using special substitute strings.
>>>>> Ok, but why?
>>>> I believe this provides a more robust way of detecting tags and should
>>>> be an encouraged practices.  From my own experience, when I find a
>>>> d/watch file that doesn't work I may search for other packages to learn
>>>> from existing practices, and some may not work well as different
>>>> upstream may follow different conventions.  The substitute strings use a
>>>> more robust and tested regexp that works most of the time, and promoting
>>>> its use may save people's time instead of working on an ad-hoc regexp.
>>> Sounds good!  This is the kind of rationale that should be in the
>>> changelog, so please add it there :) From now on, read your changelog
>>> and patche desriptions, and imagine I'm asking you "ok, but why" for
>>> each point.  Yes, rarely something is self-evident and/or an
>>> implementation detail, but most of the time you should say a few words
>>> explaining "why"--particularly when you want to find a sponsor quickly.
>>> My expectation is that you get better at this with each review, and that
>>> you will apply everything you learned to all pending sponsorship
>>> requests in addition to future ones.
>> Ack, and good suggestion!  I have slightly extended the entry with the
>> rationale[5].  PTAL.
> Thanks.  LTGM.  P.S. If you wanted to "make a mark" on many packages, a
> possible project could be to extend lintian to detect when
> @ANY_VERSION@@ARCHIVE_EXT@ can be used, but isn't yet being used.

I can probably open a wishlist bug for now and wait until I am more
confident on my Perl to do the real work.

>>>>>>    * Use xz compression in d/gbp.conf.
> [snip]
>> I meant to say "gbp buildpackage" which uses this field to specify the
>> compression type.  Sorry for the confusion.
> No worries!
> [snip]
>> In this specific case as I'm targeting a snapshot so there is no
>> upstream tarball, so using xz provides the benefits of a smaller source
>> tarball that saves space for the Debian source repository.
> I agree this makes sense, particularly when using a snapshot.
> Personally I'm fine with the unreproducible orig.tar checksum when
> packing a git treeish.  I seem to remember that Sławomir Wójcik uploaded
> the official upstream-released orig.tar.gz to his RFS, and I'd prefer
> not to break his workflow, since he's the only human maintainer of this
> package.  If you'd like to add yourself to Uploaders then I'll accept
> the switch to xz as well as other maintainer-level decisions you'd like
> to make.  After all, Wójcik hasn't worked on this package in almost
> three years.

Ack.  Added myself to the uploader list as this seems to be permitted
for team members[4].

>> For the aspect of the consistency with upstream release tarball, I'm
>> trying to understand how to make this work.  I believe "gbp import-orig
>> --uscan" should grab the upstream release tarball which follows your
>> suggestion.
> Yes, that command will download the official release orig.tarball,
> unpack it to the upstream branch, then merge the
> upstream[via-tarball]/tag to the Debian branch; this is only used when
> importing a new release.  For a -2 revision, on uses uscan
> --download-current-version.


>> However IIUC the repository is configure using the
>> dgit-maint-merge workflow that uses upstream branch to target upstream
>> repo and hence uses the tagged version to generate upstream tarball,
> Close!  To be fair, there are many workflows.  If I remember correct the
> current state of this repo is a manual tag-merging workflow without
> dgit-maint-merge.


>> which I believe is incompatible with "gbp import-orig --uscan" approach
>> which directly import the release tarball without the git history.
> Yes, that's correct for that command.  Gbp can also import from tags,
> and it has some kind of hybrid tarball + git history mode too, but I
> can't remember ever using it.
>> I wonder whether there is a way for "git deborig" or "gbp
>> buildpackage" to grab upstream tarball automatically?  I'm guessing
>> not, so someone has to do it manually, but please let me know if there
>> is a way.
> Git deborig uses git-archive, so the orig.tarball won't be reproducible.
> I've probably missed a few solutions, but the ones I know of are:
>    * Gbp's optional pristine-tar support keeps deltas for every tarball
> on a git branch, and pristine-tar is almost always reproducible--except
> in extremely rare corner cases.
>    * Origtargz uses a variety of methods (including checking for
> pristine-tar and using it if available), but origtargz always puts the
> tarball in ../ rather than in the configured orig.tarball dir; this is
> fixable, of course, but no one has done it yet.
>   * Then there's uscan.  A common, and more old-school workflow is to
> always call uscan.  If the required orig.tar is absent, it will download
> a copy.
> Gbp's "git-prebuild" config key with uscan should do the trick.  And of
> course there are always shell aliases as well as custom wrapper scripts.
> I wrote a wrapper script that checks for all the things that I tend to
> forget.  It's nice to be able to type "build" or "release" and have it
> do the right thing, even for an irregular case that one hasn't seen in a
> year and a half.

As it seems that the repo merges from upstream source directly, we seem
to need a hybrid approach that manually check for upstream tarball
availability if use a tagged release.  I'll probably manually do the
checking for now.

All changes have been pushed to team repo and latest package uploaded to
mentors.  PTAL, TIA!

> Best,
> Nicholas


Xiyue Deng

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