Package: python3-python-qt-binding
Version: 0.4.4-2
Severity: important
Usertags: sip6

Dear Maintainer,

Your package ships and sip_helper.cmake which are designed
to work with the old version of SIP, sip4.

The modern version of SIP is packaged as sip6, and PyQt5 and PyQt6 packages
in Debian are built with that modern version.

The documentation on how to use modern SIP is available in sip6-doc package,
or on the SIP website [1]. The recommended approach is using SIP's own
PEP 517-compliant build system (i.e. pyproject.toml and files),
however some projects (e.g. krita upstream) have successfully integrated SIP 6
into their CMake-based build systems.

SIP 4 has an RC bug related to Python 3.12 [2] and it's unlikely to be fixed.

So, if the mentioned files are still needed, please port them to SIP 6, and
drop dependencies on sip-dev and python3-sip-dev packages.


Dmitry Shachnev

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