Control: tags -1 - pending

On 2024-04-08 15:21, Paride Legovini wrote:
> Fixed in master by:

Sadly, it turns out that this wasn't the fix, at least not in a wider sense.

Yes, images can be built now, but without ifupdown their network
interface is left unconfigured, and thus autopkgtests can't download

With the move of ifupdown to universe, I was assuming that Ubuntu did
things differently. The cloud images *do* things differently, namely
they have systemd-networkd. But autopkgtest allows for alternative init
systems, so we can't rely on that.

So ifupdown seems to be needed, and this poses an interesting problem
with at least the following possible solutions:

(1) Enable universe in autopkgtest-build-qemu after all, as in [1]

(2) Modify setup-commands/setup-testbed and generally move ifupdown
    installation there. This would require re-ordering stuff, as
    interface configuration is currently performed *before* APT
    configuration, when in needs to be after (otherwise ifupdown can't
    be downloaded from universe).

Note that (1) and (2) don't exclude each other. One could do (1) to fix
things short-term, then implement (2).

And of course, there could be other solutions. And though I'm doing more
and more Ubuntu stuff, I'm not yet familiar enough to propose better ideas.


PS: Apologies for not discovering this right away, I was having troubles
getting images to boot, but that's fixed now.


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