
On 11-04-2024 8:35 a.m., Christian Kastner wrote:
Yes, images can be built now, but without ifupdown their network
interface is left unconfigured, and thus autopkgtests can't download

Somewhere in the back of my mind I was fearing this.

So ifupdown seems to be needed, and this poses an interesting problem
with at least the following possible solutions:

(1) Enable universe in autopkgtest-build-qemu after all, as in [1]


(2) Modify setup-commands/setup-testbed and generally move ifupdown
     installation there. This would require re-ordering stuff, as
     interface configuration is currently performed *before* APT
     configuration, when in needs to be after (otherwise ifupdown can't
     be downloaded from universe).

I'm against this route. I think we should require images to have networking to not grow the setup script even more than needed. Networking is nothing special, it should just be there.


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