Control: tags -1 moreinfo

On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:37:55 +0200 Fab Stz <> wrote:
Package: debhelper
Version: 13.15.3
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

According to dh_installman, it should honor the nodoc build profile.
However, it doesn't. As well as execute_before_dh_install.



Could you please provide the URL the packaging in question where it does not work along with a bit more details of what you expected vs. what you see? Notably, `dh_installman` will allow documentation to be missing during `nodoc` but it will still operate on the documentation there is (that has been the way of handling `nodoc` from the start in `debhelper`).

Additionally, I am not sure what the `execute_before_dh_install` remark is about. The `execute_before_dh_install` hook targeted is not affected by `nodoc`. First off because it is `dh_install` and not one of the `dh_install{docs,man}` and secondly, most of the documentation commands still do something even under `nodoc` (unlike `dh_strip` with `nostrip`), so the commands are still run. Thirdly, even if it was to be affected, it would react to `DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS` and not the profile (which are not the same thing and that has been confusing people a lot at least with nocheck)

Best regards,

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