On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 10:35:02 -0400 Erik Jacobson <ad...@underhanded.org> wrote:

> While looking through a few pages worth of FTP logs and other such
> things in my logcheck reports, I would think that many people might find
> the ability to have rewrite rules for logcheck.  It would enable
> administrators to sift out a lot of the extra cruft from certain logs
> that may not be relevant to their situation, and even to make certain
> lines stand out more visually then others (either just by using indented
> text or maybe even ansi colors... or something)
> Just a little thing that I know I would find usefull for various of the
> logs I monitor without having to write a bunch of scripts to pre process
> the logs.  Of course, I dunno how well this could be achieved with the
> gnu regexps versus running it through somehting else like sed or
> whatever. :)

It's a shame no-one replied properly since 2003. logcheck actually
supports this feature - you can write a local script called
"syslog-summary" and tell logcheck to pass the results through it.
There used to be a debian package, but no-one maintained it and it was removed.

The more i think about this, the more i think we should keep support
for running such a script - i can see it being quite useful in some
But: i wouldn't want to try and put such a script in logcheck: it's a
whole other project to make something that would be flexible and
usable enough to be worth publishing, and i dont think
it should be part of logcheck -- better to let anyone who wants it do
their own thing.

So we should simply close this bug as the functionality requested is
there, for advanced users.

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