> Thanks for using kristall and filling bugs!

Thanks for supporting Kristall!

> I'm also on wayland but I'm not sure I'm seeing the problem. PS: I think
> I made it happen with DejaVu Sans, although Cantarell was the default one
> here and I don't remember changing it.

Maybe you originally installed an earlier version than 0.4, which
might have had a different default, which then would have stuck
through upgrades. I just installed 0.4 to use Kristall for the first
time, and the default standard font was simply “Sans Serif”/normal/12.

> I will see if I can select a more sensible default font - although I
> discovered people can be very pick about their fonts :-) Can you
> send the exact style you had in your settings and a website I can
> test it to see if we can improve the user experience?

There are many sans serif fonts on my system, which perhaps has a
different catalog of fonts than other Debian systems would have. And
because of that, I wonder if the default might be selected
arbitrarily. In my case, the font that was plainly named “Sans Serif”
was used as the “Standard Font” as well as H1, H2, H3, and
blockquote. This font is a disaster for all of those purposes. I guess
I should assume I have DejaVu* fonts because I installed djvu pkgs,
and TeX* fonts because I installed texlive. So in looking for a
generic and possibly common font, I tried “Latin Modern Roman” as the
standard font, which looks nice. I’m just guessing that’d be widely

I wouldn’t try to cater for people’s personal tastes because the
software is designed to make it easy for users to tune the font. It’s
really just important to get rid of the intolerable default font. It’s
a disaster on every single site/page it renders. I’ll just name
gemini://techrights.org to give an arbitrary example.

Note as well I have in version 0.4 the known defect of blank icons to
the left of the URL field. They at least have a mouseover hover
msg. But in settings»style, all the icons on the right are also blank
and there is no mouseover for them. That was reported upstream in
2022, IIRC. Though I guess Debian is not a good place to fix that one.

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