Hi Daichi,

While this may come as a disappointment, I like Tobias believe this does not
fall within the scope of a Non Maintainer Upload (NMU).

I like you see that 1.3.0 was created 3 years ago and that it may be of benefit
for Debian to update to that version. For that reason I have filed a bug against
'blktrace'[1] requesting the maintainers update to this version if possible. You
 may wish to subscribe to this bug and be involved or just follow any progress.

Another option is to propose updates via the packages salsa repository[2] in the
form of merge requests.

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1073161
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/debian/blktrace


Would it be possible for the submitter (Daichi) or a DD to remove 'blktrace'
submission(s) from mentors, so others do not put unnecessary time on this done
Request For Sponsorship (RFS).




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