On Fri, 2024-06-14 at 21:37 +0200, Daniel Gröber wrote:
> Hi all,
> I disagree with Phil and Tobias' assessment that an NMU is inappropriate
> here. Given the salvaging process uses NMUs as an indicator for maintainer
> inactivity I feel it's exactly what we should be doing here. NMU and
> eventually salvage if Bas still shows no interest in maintaining this
> package.
> Daichi, I'd be happy to sponsor this upload in principle (once it passes
> review) but only if you're interested in taking care of blktrace going
> forward.
> According to [contributors] Bas has not made any uploads since 2019, has
> been CCed on the RFS and not responded for months and is likeley about to
> get an NMU, which makes it look like a candidate for salvaging in the near
> future to me. So Daichi, you could become it's official maintainer if that
> interests you.
> [contributors]: https://contributors.debian.org/contributor/bas/
> --Daniel

Hi Daniel, Daichi, Tobias,

Firstly, apologies Daichi, if you wish adopt this package and maintain it moving
forward, like Daniel, I would be happy to assist and support you as needed if

Daniel, As you state in your follow up email:

> Policy section 5.11.1. explicitly says even whishlist bugs are fair game:

> pol> ("Bugs" means any kind of bugs, e.g. wishlist bugs for packaging a new
> pol> upstream version, but care should be taken to minimize the impact to the
> pol> maintainer.)

Not directly related to this, but I am very hesitant to step on any DD's toes or
hurt their feelings in any way shape or form these days and I have good reason
for this. I wrongly thought filing a bug on the package[1] would hopefully see
some movement on it and the package. This was done with the best of intentions
to show that this package was lacking updates in the recent past and allowing
Daichi to have visibility to maybe pickup the package if orphaned or the
maintainer indicated co-maintainers were wished and Daichi could maybe assist
from that point.

Thank you for escalating the conversation and I will learn from this situation
for future occurrences if any.

Bas has now indicated a lack of time to maintain the package and I now hope that
Daichi wishes to move forward with it.

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1073161




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