On Sunday, 16 June 2024 15:20:05 CEST Leith Bade wrote:
> I need to work out how to submit these fixes to the Linux device tree
> maintainers.

My experience is primarily/only with Rockchip based devices/SoCs and their 
upstream development process, but it may help wrt MediaTek's.

- If you think something is wrong, determine with ``git blame`` which commit 
added that (presumably) incorrect statement(s)
- In the commit message, you'll often find a ``Link: `` line which points to 
the discussion of that change and should point to https://lore.kernel.org/
- If there isn't a ``Link: `` line, you can put the title of the commit in the  
'lore' search box and search through all the archives; reasonable chance 
that'll point you to the discussion thread(s)
- Read through the whole discussion as it may already provide answers to 
questions you may have
- At the bottom of each 'lore' page, you'll find instructions on how to reply 
in case you have further questions/disagree/etc

https://lists.infradead.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-mediatek is where patch 
discussion takes place (which gets 'archived' on lore.k.o). You may want to 
subscribe to that list to get an idea how the upstreaming process takes place.
Keep in mind that the volume of that/those list(s) can be huge and that your 
email address will be publicly/wildly known (just like on Debian bug reports).

https://git-send-email.io/ is probably worth a look and also the ``b4`` tool.


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