> Please keep packages you care about in a good shape in Debian. I
> assume you've read the past discussion in this bug and realize that
> even mono itself is unmaintained, very outdated and RC-buggy and
> package like it often miss stable releases even when they aren't
> removed from unstable.

This is actually part of my plan, because the loss of Debian-provided
packages for the Mono runtime and libraries would be a big blow to our
unvendoring effort. While the Debian packages are mostly unmaintained,
they are still in a better state that the vendored binaries we replace
by the Debian builds.

But this is really daunting for a maintainer like me with little
experience outside of packages I happen to be the upstream of. I would
be willing to take over the maintenance of src:mono if I could be
accompanied/mentored at least for the initial salvaging effort, but I
don’t feel like diving into that alone.

> If by "a handful of Mono libraries" you mean
> libraries not built from src:mono please keep those in a good shape
> in Debian too (I would be surprised if all of them are still in
> debian though, as there are maybe 5 of such libraries in Debian).

I think all the ones we rely on with ./play.it are built from src:mono.

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