Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro <>

* Package name    : golang-github-mitchellh-pointerstructure
  Version         : 1.2.1
  Upstream Contact: Mitchell Hashimoto <>
* URL             :
* License         : Expat
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : Addressing and modifying values in Go structures using a 
string syntax

  pointerstructure is a Go library for identifying a specific
  value within any Go structure using a string syntax.
  This library is based on JSON pointer (RFC 6901).
  The goal of pointerstructure is to provide a single, well-known
  format for addressing a specific value. This can be useful for
  user provided input on structures, diffs of structures, etc.
   * Get the value for an address.
   * Set the value for an address within an existing structure.
   * Delete the value at an address.
   * Sorting a list of addresses.

  This package is a new build-dependency of bettercap.

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