Hello Thomas,

On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 10:20:14AM -0500, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> thanks.  Actually I had forgotten the TCSETA detail, but noticed the
> hardware platform which seems to be relevant as well.
Is the TCSETA ioctl documented in some publicly accessible place?

Just for reference: In the failure case (eigthBitInput: false) the ioctl
argument is as follows.

    (gdb) p tio
    $1 = {c_iflag = 768, c_oflag = 3, c_cflag = 2575, c_lflag = 1487, 
      c_line = 0 '\0', 
      c_cc = 
"\003\034\177\025\004\001\000\000\000\000\027\022\032\021\023\026\017", '\0' 
<repeats 14 times>, c_ispeed = 0, c_ospeed = 0}

The call returns -1 in this case and HsSysError is called.

If I set "eigthBitInput: true", then the argument to ioctl is

    (gdb) p tio
    $1 = {c_iflag = 768, c_oflag = 3, c_cflag = 2831, c_lflag = 1487, 
      c_line = 0 '\0', 
      c_cc = 
"\003\034\177\025\004\001\000\000\000\000\027\022\032\021\023\026\017", '\0' 
<repeats 14 times>, c_ispeed = 0, c_ospeed = 0}

(only difference: the c_cflag member has bit 9 set, which looks like
the switch from CS7 to CS8).  This time the call succeeds.

Maybe its a kernel or libc bug after all?

All the best,

PS.: I was unsure which bug report entry I should forward this
information to.  I choose "my" copy of the bug report.  Hope that this
is ok.

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