package: fai-client
version: 3.0


with an unmodified /etc/fai/fai.conf and a populated /srv/fai/config (on the 
client), running "fai -N softupdate" results in the error-message "Error: 
Provide the URL to obtain the fai config storage in $FAI_CONFIG_SRC".

Despite, from fai.conf:

# the configuration space on the install server

# how to access the fai config space
# default if undefined here: nfs://`hostname`/$FAI_CONFIGDIR

Then, fai hangs (and doesn't exit.)

The error+behaviour is the same, if /srv/fai/config doesnt exist, it would be 
nice, if an error-message "/srv/fai/config doesnt exist" would be printed and 
then fai would exit with error 1. Not filing a seperate bug for this (yet), 
as first the above described issue needs to be fixed.


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