Business happens, no worries.

I just updated to the latest xorg build (I think I saw it appear in apt-get update last night?), and that same error is still in the Xorg log.

I reinstalled the driver just to be sure, and no change there either.  My system is reasonably stable; I haven't had an unplanned reboot in at least a month, so it seems unlikely the RAM would be an issue. . .

Would there be anyone else worth contacting, if this is an upstream bug?


On 10/16/06, Flavio Stanchina < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Joel Fried wrote:
> My latext Xorg log:

Sorry for the delay, been busy.

In the log I see an exception just after the VESA VBE information, followed
by a register dump and stack trace:
  (EE) fglrx(0): unknown reason for exception
  (II) fglrx(0): EAX=0x000000ac, EBX=0x00002000, ECX=0x00000001, [...]

I can't see any other obvious error, either before or after (except the
keymap errors at the bottom which are harmless). This is likely an upstream
bug and there's not much to be done about it. I'd try reinstalling the driver
and X.Org, in the unlikely event that some files are corrupt, and maybe doing
a memory check with memtest, but if your system is otherwise stable it's very
unlikely that this could be the problem.

Ciao, Flavio

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