package: munin
version: 1.2.3-1 


first of all, let me say, that munin is great!

But I have one problem: I use the smart plugin to monitor my harddiscs and 
every day shortly after 10:00 (AM) I get an email:

$domain :: $host :: S.M.A.R.T values for drive hda
        OKs: Spin_Retry_Count is 100.00, Seek_Time_Performance is 100.00, 
Raw_Read_Error_Rate is 100.00, Seek_Error_Rate is 100.00, 
Reallocated_Sector_Ct is 100.00, Spin_Up_Time is 98.00, 
Power_Off_Retract_Count is 100.00, Throughput_Performance is 100.00, 
Load_Cycle_Count is 100.00.

This is because smart does a selftest. 

I have the following settings in smart.conf:

contacts me mail -s "Munin notification ${var:host}" [EMAIL PROTECTED] warning critical

in plugin-conf.d/munin-node:

user root
group disk

And I'm running debian/sarge.

After sending this mail to the munin-users mailinglist, I learned that these 
mails are send by this entry in /etc/cron.d/munin:

10 10 * * *     munin if [ -x /usr/share/munin/munin-limits ]; 
then /usr/share/munin/munin-limits --force --contact nagios --contact 
old-nagios; fi

I have now disabled these summary-mails (as I'm fine with the actual alarm 
mails anyway), but this is defintly a bug: a OK-summary should not be send 
without a warning alarm, which I never receive(d).

This happened on three different hosts, with similar configs, though.


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