Also, sprach Timo Hoenig am Montag, den 27. November 2006 um 11:43:
> As the code of FnFX did not change recently I think that this might
> be a kernel issue.

I agree.  I have no real idea of the inner workings of fnfx, its
client, or the kernel in regard to this, but the symptoms reminded me
of #328085.  So I concluded (or merely hoped) that it would be a
matter of simply making the patch dependant on what version of Linux
actually runs or something as easy as this.

I wanted to ask another (more rhetorical) question: Why is a seperate
daemon needed anyway, why not unify it so that acpi/hal/ivman can be
used?  But then I found and
noticed the little box "Developers" with "thoenig" in it :).  (I
assume that this "thoenig" is indeed the same "thoenig" that has
answered this bug report, i.e. you.)

So now my question is rather: How good is IAL working and is there a
possibility that it will enter Debian?

If I can help anyway else please let me know.


BTW: I updated to linux and the problem has not gone away.

: Sebastian Fontius : :
    []   | "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little |
  [][][] |  temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."      |
    ||   :                                     Benjamin Franklin, 1759 :

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