tags 403894 + wontfix


I don't think this would fit in the program's goals - Remember that
Swaks is short for "Swiss Army Knife SMTP", and it's (from its package
description) "a command-line tool written in Perl for testing SMTP
setups" - It's not a tool for generically testing anything related to
a MTA, but it's targetted at the protocol.

If you must test how a local MTA is working, use the --pipe option -
From Swaks' man page: 

   swaks --pipe "exim -bh"

This opens a SMTP conversation with the locally installed exim (you
could there use any other MTA binary, /usr/lib/sendmail or whatever). 

Adding any other MTA interaction capability to Swaks would just mean
bloating it, IMHO. So, I'm tagging this bug as wontfix.

Of course, feel free to refute my point of view :)

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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