Le jeudi 28 décembre 2006 à 21:41 -0500, Michael Gilbert a écrit :
> On 12/23/06, Sven Arvidsson wrote:
> > Sadly, I think this is normal behaviour for Yelp at the moment. AFAIK
> > Yelp needs to process all the documentation for an application when
> > started, instead of the first page loaded.
> why can't this information be pre-generated during installation of the
> package for which the help is for?

I'm not sure this is what is causing trouble. There have already been
many speed improvements in this direction, and stylesheets were also
optimized for speed. I think you were right about gecko, which is
dog-slow to initialize, and the solution is to get rid of this engine,
which is obviously not necessary for a help browser.

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