On Fri, 19 Jan 2007, Marc Fargas wrote:
> Hi Raphael,

Hi Marc,

> I just read at http://www.us.debian.org/Bugs/Developer.en.html#severities
> and took the one that made more sense to me, there the only severity
> that talks about "security" is "critical" so I took that. I'm not a
> bug vodoo, I was just trying to give a hand marking bugs.

Thanks for trying! However there's always some judgment to be made. The
initial bug submitter didn't speak of security risk even though it's clear
that it is a security risk in principle.

So before being definitive on the issue, one always need to know how often
we're exposed to the security risk. And while this information was not
available, you shouldn't have increased the severity. 

Anyway, I've prepared updates that I'll upload to unstable and we'll see
with further discussion if the package needs to go to etch or not.

> Anyway, it's always good to learn a bit more on every matter, so
> thanks for the lesson and accept my appologies for messing up your bug
> reports.

Accepted of course. :)

Raphaël Hertzog

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