On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 22:20:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> severity 284426 normal
> merge 284426 292320
> quit
> thankfully xserver clean its sockets at boot else with this bug
> it would break.

I don't see what xserver has to do with this bug ?

> I have so much bugs i cannot tell yet if one is
> caused by this. At least in case of crash a corrupt file there
> (not behing clean by now) will lead to really hard to reproduce
>  bug reports ... . 


> This is not a security issue and initscripts is frozen.
> Could it even be accepted by the release team ?
> Regards (and thanks again for the followup on the logging issue)
> Alban
> PS: the problem is that fixing this will get those bugs back :(
> - cleanup of /tmp contents in background :
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=255423

No bug, feature request, and I think it doesn't belong in initscripts
at all. If you want background tmp cleaning run a cleanup script
from cron or something. However it's a wishlist bug so I'm not
supposed to close it (I should probably tag it wontfix, though).

> - initscripts: Control or other characters in /tmp files corrupt
> console at boot :
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=259194

Well I can't reproduce that and said as much in my reply.
No reply has come on that, so I have no idea really.


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