On Thu, 5 Apr 2007 23:19:23 +0100
Stephen Gran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What is the output of 
> find /var/lib/clamav -ls
> ?

It depends on whether I'm 'root' or not.  Attached are four files, the
outputs of:

        # run as user...
        find /var/lib/clamav -ls > /tmp/usertest 2> /tmp/usertest_stderr
        # run as root...
        find /var/lib/clamav -ls > /tmp/roottest 2> /tmp/roottest_stderr

Differing results suggest the error is permission related.  Now I just
tested 'clamscan' as 'root' and it works:

        root [VT] ~> echo hello > /tmp/foo ;  clamscan /tmp/foo ; echo $?
        /tmp/foo: OK

        ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
        Known viruses: 190243
        Engine version: 0.90.1
        Scanned directories: 0
        Scanned files: 1
        Infected files: 0
        Data scanned: 0.00 MB
        Time: 20.673 sec (0 m 20 s)

Odd, I thought I tested it as 'root' last night, before sending the
report, but not according to my command line history.

I also just tested 'clamscan' under a second user account on the same
system, which fails with the same 'cli_loaddbdir()...' error.


Attachment: clamavtest.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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