tags 393373 + pending

Looking at this bug, it looks like gtk-gnutella actually contains two

> gtk-gnutella-0.96.1svn11444/doc/other/rfc3548.txt
> MISMATCH rfc3548.txt
(which indeed is rfc3548)

> gtk-gnutella-0.96.1svn11444/doc/gnutella/draft-nielsen-dime-02.txt
> MATCH draft-nielsen-dime-02.txt

The first is actually made obsolete by rfc4648 by the same author (S.
Josefsson, CC:ed here) which contains the right copyright notice.
As Simon is currently directly involved in this mass-bug-reporting, I
think that this rfc is not the main problem: I will maintain it as is
for now, asking upstream to replace it with rfc4648 in the next upstream
release. Simon, as the copyright owner, are you ok with it?

The second one instead seems to be a real trouble, I will ask the
authors for a better license, but I'm pessimist and I think I will end
removing it from the tarball and asking upstream to do the same.

Ciao, Luca

 .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **  | Luca Bruno
: :'  :   The Universal O.S.    | luca.br(AT)uno.it
`. `'`                          | GPG Key ID: 3BFB9FB3
  `-     http://www.debian.org  | Proud Debian GNU/Linux User

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