
>         The setlocalversion script goes and changes the version of the
>  kernel _after_ ./debian/  has been populated, which causes the
>  ./debian/changelog and ./debian/control files to be out of synch with
>  what the kernel thinks the version is -- and thus preventing the .deb
>  from building.
>         In any case, the setlocal version script always adds the -dirty-
>  string to the version name -- since the ./scripts stuff also
>  unconditionally nukes ./debian (whether or not it created it), which
>  means that dpkg-buildpackage suddenly gets rid of /debian right at the
>  beginning unless we intervene -- and intervening makes stuff dirty, and
>  that changes the version number.
>         So, given the way that ./scripts  stuff messes up the build
>  process, setlocalversion is not supported by make-kpkg.

All of this is true, but only if you invoke make-kpkg only once in the
same kernel tree or after the kernel tree has already been built which
typically happens in development trees.

However, I still don't see this as a reason to kill the setlocalversion
script, make-kpkg could instead warn loudly when
CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO is set and tell the user to not do that because
it messes up the build process.


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