tags unreproducible moreinfo
severity 425301 minor

Vincent Lönngren wrote:

> There's a bug report titled "Can't unmount CD", but after reading it I 
> don't think this is the same issue.
> Trying to eject a CD from the desktop, a dialogue pops up: "Can't eject 
> volume" (rough translation). Trying from the command line (gnome-mount 
> -v -e --device /dev/cdrom) gives the same result. The only text output 
> (despite the -v option) is "gnome-mount 0.6". /dev/cdrom links to 
> /dev/hdc, which is owned by root:cdrom and ug+rw.
> eject from the eject package eject the CD without complaining.

How was the CD mounted, via gnome-volume-manager/gnome-mount or other
means? With desktop, do you mean a GNOME desktop and you tried to
unmount/eject it via nautilus/gnome-vfs?

Do you have the problem also as root? What does "groups $user" say?

Could you stop hal (via /etc/dbus-1/event.d/20hal stop) and run it as
root via "hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes".
Send me the output when you try to eject the device.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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